CELA un-insulated MEWP’s now available Australia wide
Heights from 15m to 70m
Following our recent venture to the Bauma Expo 2010 held in Germany and the subsequent meetings held thereafter; it gives me great pleasure to announce that GMJ Equipment is now the official Australian distributor of Cela Industry; un-insulated Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP’s) consisting of Industrial, Fire Fighting and Special series models.
These MEWP’s will open many new avenues for our business with reach heights ranging from 15m all the way to 70m which will now allow us to satisfy a vast range of our clients’ needs in ways we have not been able to achieve before. We are also excited to have the opportunity to supply some unique Cela Industry, 24m EWP’s which; mounted on a light cab chassis, will only require a driver’s license to transport.
The Cela Ltd, located in Corte Franca, Italy, at the heart of business and economic realities are always looking for new and efficient technological solutions to be used in the manufacture of their machines and thanks to the technological level achieved from the outset, Cela Industry is one of the builders of platforms at the forefront of our industry.
These EWP designs currently comply with the European Standard EN280 for Mobile Elevated Work Platforms, however, we are currently in the process of the design register approval being put into place so that these units can be authorized for use in Australia and that they meet the current Australian Standard (AS1418.Part 10/2010).
It goes without saying that GMJ Equipment is passionately looking forward to a long a prosperous relationship with Cela Industry and we assure you that, as our valued client, we will be committed to satisfying your every requirement and we hope that the introduction of these new EWP’s will open many new opportunities for your company.
For all sales inquiries, please contact Joe
Click here to view the Cela website